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Vision   Rattan Professional Education College, Sohana aspires to offer quality teacher education to enlighten, emancipate and empower the student-teacher fraternity and to foster lifelong learning.

Values   The institution has the following Core Values
  •   Contributing to National Development
  •   Fostering global competencies among the students
  •   Inculcation of a value system among students
  •   Promoting the use of Technology
  •   Quest for Excellence

Objectives of the Institution:
  •    To develop attitude, competence and core skills, essential to teaching learning process among the Student-teachers and promote a healthy teaching learning environment
  • To nurture the thirst for knowledge and skills by blending the latest innovations in ICT with Education
  • To provide supportive skills in dealing with academic and personal problems of Learners.
  • To encourage cooperative learning and stress the importance of social equity in the present educational scenario.
  • To provide an enthusiastic, motivating, inspiring and equally accessible teaching - learning environment, conducive to the professional growth of Teacher Educators and Student Teachers.
  • To sensitize the student-teachers towards the threatening environmental and social issues.
  • To stimulate, educate and enable the Student-teachers for excellence in teaching, learning, research and innovation.
  • To direct the student- teachers to fulfill their role as nation builders.

  • The student- teachers are encouraged to keep abreast with the latest advancement in technology and are taught to utilize them in the teaching learning process. The institution takes special care to upgrade the knowledge of those student-teachers who are not trained with technological knowledge, by giving them hands-on experience in the well equipped computer laboratory.
